Advanced Dental Technology at Cape Vista Dental

Digital Dentistry at it's Finest


Cape Vista Dental has some super cool technology that we’re excited to share with you.

We get to use a lot of amazing dental tools in this day and age, from high-tech cameras to lasers. Yes, you read that right, and no, you didn’t just stumble into a spy novel — Your new dental office uses paperless technology. Dentrix is our software of choice! 

Not only does this technology help our team deliver better treatments than ever before, but it also allows you to have more comfortable and effective dental visits.

Digital X-rays - Less Radiation - Green Technology 

reviewing an x-rayX-rays have been used to deliver dental imaging for decades. Today, they are enhanced by modern technologies and are more useful than ever before! At Cape Vista Denta

l, we use digital x-rays from DEXIS that provide a range of benefits over traditional film x-rays. They require fewer materials, less time spent in the dental chair, less radiation from the scanners, and less storage space needed to store the resulting images.

Intraoral Cameras

Anything in your mouth that a dentist can see with their eyes, can be seen by an intraoral camera in higher definition. Intraoral cameras can even reach into small spaces or around edges that a dentist would be hard-pressed to get a clear look at from the outside.

We can use these Mouth Watch cameras to check for problems, diagnose them, and then check our work after treatment, to ensure that you’ve received the quality care you deserve.

CEREC® Same-Day Restorations

CEREC a dental mill that we have right here in our office. With CEREC technology, our team can create custom-crafted restorations like dental crowns, bridges, veneers, and much more. We'll even have them ready for you on the same day as your appointment! That means no need to schedule follow-up appointments, and no waiting around for shipments from a lab. Imagine driving from Deltona for your dental appointment at lunch time, and by time you're done you'll have a beautiful, restored smile on the very same day you come in! 

CAD/CAM Software

CAD stands for Computer-Aided Design, and C

AM is Computer-Aided Manufacturing. At Cape Vista Dental, CAD/CAM software allows us to design and create every restoration that we send to the Primescan Mill with ease and precision. 


When it comes to Dental Implants, we want to partner with the best materials and choices. EXOCAD is our design software that the best in the world use to provide the best results. You deserve nothing short of what the best are using. Combined with Straumann and Neodent Implants , we feel confident that these materials will last your lifetime. 

Cone Beam CT Imaging

We think CT scans are pretty amazing. CT scans work a bit like x-rays but with a major difference that makes them extremely useful: CT scans can see soft tissue and hard tissue at the same time! Plus, the cone-shaped beam allows us to obtain an ultra-precise 3D image, not just a flat one-dimensional photo.

Here at Cape Visa Dental, we’ve recently acquired a Vatech unit. We’re thrilled to offer this to our patients because it’s one of the latest, greatest, and least invasive CT scanners available in the dental industry right now. This machine gets the highly accurate images we need to get you in and out of the dentist's chair quickly!

Digital Dental Impressions + 3D Printing

With digital impressions, you’ll never have to sit with a mouth full of a gag-inducing mold again. Digital impressions using MEDIT Wireless allow us to measure your teeth with a scanner that takes incredibly precise notations of every aspect of the mouth. From there, we can build a completely accurate digital model of your mouth using our Phrozen 3D Printer. Digital models help us with everything from creating dental crowns to custom-designing your Invisalign clear aligner trays. 

Experience the Newest Dental Technologies in our office in Orange City, FL!

For an excellent dental experience with a great team and loads of amazing dental technology, visit Cape Vista Dental. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment!

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